The Future of Digital: Bring 2025–2030 to 2020 — #7
The C-Suite leaders have a lot of questions on Digital Transformation?
What is digital and why digital transformation is significant?
What forces, technologies, inventions, and business models caused the advent of the digital?
How to understand the past, present, and future of digital transformation?
What are the most relevant digital trends and technologies that can influence businesses across industries?
How do frictionless customer journeys across industries look?
What can we learn from the best in class across industries and geographies?
Over the next few weeks and months, I will be deep-diving into these digital trends by geographies and questions related to the transformation path.
In 2020, we are at the right vantage point to analyze what the future might look like in 2025- 2030.
When Apple launched the first smartphone in 2007, we could imagine what the next decade will look like.
When The first YouTube video, titled Me at the zoo, was uploaded by the Youtube co-founder Jawed Karim at the San Diego Zoo, we knew what the future will look like.
In 2008 Tesla Motors released its first car, the completely electric Roadster and we knew the auto-world will go electric
Anything beyond 2030 will be a crystal ball gazing exercise.
Learn to study the short term future, because your survival depends on it.
Sidhartha Sharma
Author and Digital Expert
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