#95-Advice to Graduate Students and Young Professionals building a career in consulting and digital transformation
- Know where the careers will be made (all jobs will require some form of technology expertise, digital transformation, and trends understanding)
- Blockchain technology powered ( #defi and #digitaltrust ) and #Cloud are two big forces that will form the foundation of the future of #digitaltransformation in the 2020–the 2030s.
Cloud is the first and most important step to get the #datastrategy right before the companies can evolve as #AIfirst organizations. Businesses will need a hybrid and multi-cloud strategy to realize the full power of #datadriven decision making and the #aimodels built on them.
My advice to students graduating over the next few years, learn all that you can on A,B,C,D,E, F
- AI (personalization, intelligent robotics)
- #Blockchain (Defi, Digital Trust powered by Smart Contracts)
- Cloud (IaaS, PaaS, #SaaS models) + Cybersecurity
- Data (Decisioning Models, Privacy, Regulations, and Monetization)
- Ecosystem strategy (Digital Ecosystems built platforms and partners + ESG)
- Fintech
There are many other important technologies and models (#metaverse, #nanotechnology ), but these are good foundations to build keeping the next 10 years of disruption in mind.
Nobody knows the future for sure except God or an arrogant fool. However, you can plan and prepare for it by staying curious and intellectually humble. Trends show that the next 10 years will be 5–10X times more disruptive than the last 30 years combined when it comes to technology, networking, and disruption.
Advice to the business leaders responsible for digital transformation?
In a world full of “bulls###” stories, complexity, and PR news, try to develop the following three skills as a business leader:
- Ability to identify the “value creation” opportunities. Think leverage, and it does not mean debt.
- Ability to focus on “moon shots” while keeping the “cash cow” working
- Ability to simplify the processes to achieve 1 & 2, and inspire those who take the journey with you. Focus on the employee journeys as much as you focus on the customer journeys. This is how you unlock the organization's potential to become the best in class in the industry.